Sunday, August 14, 2011

Nazis murder human rights activist in Tallinn

Nazis murder human rights activist in Tallinn
In memoriam 

On August 11, 2011 Estonian Nazi thugs murdered Karen Drambian (also spelled as Drambjan and Drambyan) , a human rights activist, writer and a lawyer, apparently in cold blood, while staging a wild theatrical propaganda performance in the process.

The event was widely misreported by American and British media, which function as a mouthpiece for fascist and Estonian propaganda due to strategic considerations and also cultural pathologies such as ingrained and deep seated Russophobia.  The linked news article has an illustration (which shows  the old Russian palace at the Domberg, not the ethno-Nazi Ministry of Defense, which it supposed to depict).

The story developed as follows.
A man exploded bombs in the Estonia ministry of defense.
Hostages taken. 
Then it turns out that no bombs exploded.
Then it turns out no hostages were taken.
Then the man commits suicide.
Then it turns out he was not even a human but a Russian.
Later acknowledgement come in that he was killed in a shootout with Nazi guards or individuals whom the EU and NATO media refer to as Estonian police.

Andrus Ansip, the mini Führer of the ethno-fascist Estonian statelet claimed, with a perfectly straight face, that Karen Drambian was inspired by Breivik, the homicidal Norwegian Nazi militant. 

Let us set the record straight and compare two cases:

Breivik killed almost one hundred people.
He shot children.
He finished dying kids off in an act of almost unfathomable inhumanity.
Karen Drambian killed nobody but could have killed many.
The building were events took place is next to Solaris shopping center with thousands of pedestrians in what American military calls a target rich environment.  Karen Drambyan could have shot at least as many people as Breivik had.  If Drambjan had explosives as Nazi propagandists and their American and British sponsors now claim, then he could have caused sensational amount of damage. 
However Karen Drambjan did not even attempt to take any hostages.
There were no explosions.
No damage either. 

One important thing about this link is that it states that there is 25% Russian minority in Estonia by relying only on an Estonian ethno-Nazi claim which itself is based on classification of people by ethnicity, something civilized societies don't do but which is a norm in fascist Estonia - more on that later. 

Estonians are themselves a tribe and classify themselves in ethnic terms. But Russians are not. The actual Russian minority in today's statelet of Estonia, including all people of different backgrounds, is over 40%.  Here are two personal examples. During my sojourn in the fascist statelet I employed two babysitters for my kid. One girl was an ethnic Buryat and the second lady was a retired flight attendant from Armenia. In fascist Estonia both considered themselves Russian. Actually I realized how great was the unifying power of Russia, Russian culture and language only in  Estonia, now trampled under ethnostate's stinky foot.  Also only in Estonia I understood what is racism about and how discrimination looks like - not in America, France, Austria, Germany or the Czech Republic but in Estonia I saw the ethnic fascism's hideous face. I also understood why did Estonians kill their fellow citizens, Jews, during ethnic cleansing of the 1940s.

My Buryat babysitter has a gorgeous boy who is half ethnic Estonian. But the boy considers himself Russian. He talks of Estonians as of "fascists" and though was only five years old at the time sayd that he wants to kill them all.  Nowhere else did I see the intensity of suppressed ethnic hatred as great as in Estonia.

Karen Drambjan, the man in the news who was called a terrorist though he committed no acts of terror and hostage taker but who took no hostages was a prolific essay writer and put together a manifesto on the state of interethnic relations in Estonia.   I will translate this manifesto on some other occasion.  Karen Drambjan was born in Soviet Armenia, was ethnically Armenian and considered himself Russian. He was one of greatest Russians in today's statelet of Estonia. A true hero who was murdered for his views.

The killing according to the semi-official version. 

Supposedly Nazi thugs (Estonian police) broke into the building of the Defense Ministry and supposedly Karen Drambjan returned fire when they fired at him, with obvious attempt of murdering him, and was killed in the process.
Now remember they did not kill Breivik who murdered 100 people but they killed subhuman Karen Drambyan who did not murder anyone. 
That's an important fact to keep in mind. The phony double genocide theory comes up as a parallel.

Under the circumstances,  anywhere else in Europe and the USA, authorities would hold negotiations which may go on perhaps for days until the suspect surrenders and even in America I cannot see how a man would be murdered for sport on the spot without even an attempt at negotiation:  Karen Drambjan was no danger to society or to anybody else. 
Prominent Estonian Nazi Hardo Aasmäe, former mayor of Tallinn and a  Russophobe of some note, presents his version under title of "We don't get this sort of jokes". Under his version of events  Karen Drambyan wanted to get arrested and use the courtroom, Dimitrov-style,  for spreading awareness about apartheid state in Estonia and discrimination of the Russian speakers. This was an attention grabbing plot which should have never been allowed to succeed and that's why we killed him says Hardo Aasmäe .  What  the Nazi means is that Estonian  state would kill anyone who may attract too much attention to its malfeasance or to the issue of ethnic discrimination especially someone who allegedly did it as spectacularly as Karen Drambayan. 

The interview with Hardo Aasmäe,  in Russian. 

Here is what actually happened. Another version of events as narrated to me by local Esths or Estonians.   It is more prosaic than
Hardo Aasmäe's version of events.

Since Estonia is an ethnic totalitarian state, local Gestapo (Kapo) maintains a near total surveillance of human rights activists and any sort of dissidents like any kind of opposition to the tribal state is suppressed.   Estonia is the state for a tribe called Estonians and others must live by their rules.  Russian language is outlawed. Karen Drambian, a hero and a brilliant author, was also a vocal critic of fascism, Nazism and of ethnic Estonian state.  By murdering him the Estonian state of Laar and Ansip could achieve a number of goals.  Firstly,  silence a voice that opposes Nazism (a dangerous thing to do in a fascist state that is Estonia anyway). Secondly, achieve a propaganda coup - prove to its American masters (the US embassy is just a few hundred meters away) that Estonian fascists are fighting Russian terrorism. And thirdly, show that people who sympathize with those pesky inferior Russians are unstable,  psychotic, and are a danger.  Karen Drambian was an obvious choice for this almost ritual sacrifice.   

Because Karen Drambian was an Armenian, his life held no value on the ethno-Nazi scale. He was probably deemed as worthless as a Jew though may be slightly more valuable than a Russian or a nigger (in Estonian parlance both are same),  all in all to the ethnostate people his life held less value than that of  a dead mole. 

What might have happened: he was murdered by Estonian Gestapo, called Kapo, and his body was brought to the Ministry of Defense. After that a spectacle, a theatrical performance was staged. In the aftermath of the killing (he was probably killed hours and hours before the event), the place was calm, Estonian Nazi police were laughing and joking (ah, just killed a nigger),   Estonian journalists were giggling, there was Mart Laar, walking around like a fat-filled piece of ravioli without any obvious protection, and no, this did not look like a hostage taking scene.  Under cover of darkness the body of murdered Karen Drambjan was removed. I assume it was brought in also under cover of darkness. 

I believe in  this version: The Estonian Gestapo / Kapo murdered Karen Drambyan somewhere else and then used his remains in the Nazi theater performance. The argument for this is simple enough. Although the co-called ministry of defense of the ethno-Nazi Estonian state is located in an area with dense pedestrian traffic next to a shopping center, the building itself is heavily guarded. There are police cars on alert right opposite from the entrance.  Nazi guards are all over. Pacing back and forth. People who enter the building are checked on the outside. There is a metal detector one has to walk through before he gets in. In brief it is all but impossible for someone who is unarmed to enter the building.  Because Karen Drambyan allegedly had a loaded pistol, hundred or so of spare rounds of ammunition (not too many by the way, ethno-Nazis should have claimed that he had thousands) and sacks of explosives, his entry to the building through the main guarded entrance must either be an event that occurred in the realm of the supernatural or a (science) fiction story.  The latter is more credible, in fact one can even recognize the authorship .  Another argument - Karen Drambyan was quite a prolific writer and he would have for sure left an appeal, a list of demands or a manifest of some kind in case if he really decided to attract attention to the plight of subhumans (Russians in Estonian classification) in Estonia under the EU, US and NATO watch before he stormed the heavily guarded Ministry of Defense like a lonely knight and attained the  impossible feat of breaking into the armed compound soundlessly while being unobserved  lest resisted by  automatic weapons brandishing guards or for that matter by anyone else, what a miracle! and then by by-passing metal detectors and storming onward through the massive instantly lockable remotely controlled doors.  

Pure magic.

Yes I do believe in magic but not in ethno-fascist canards. 

Karen Drambjan was murdered before the staged Ministry of Defense break-in. 

This is an American inspired piece of drama written clearly in the familiar Nazi style of dealing with minorities, and narrated in English, read out aloud with heavy Estonian accent.

English language Wikipedia  is operated by the CIA and its regional sites of any ideological interest are run by pro-American groups, in case of Estonia the operators and editors are the Estonian Nazis who have also been running the evil ethnic statelet for the last 20 years. The English Wikipedia has a short article on Viktor Kingissepp. The hatred and propaganda that Wikipedia is soaked in so thoroughly drips down from every sentence.  In the article Viktor Kingissepp is described as a Soviet Communist politician and leader of Estonian Communist party. One very important feature of the foreign workings of the American Empire and its Nazi underlings in Central and Eastern Europe is reclassification of the concept of nationality by reversing the thousand year old tradition of its definition from that of the sovereign allegiance to merely ethnic or tribal affiliation. Suddenly fascist Estonia, a statelet that is barely 20 year old ruled on behalf of a tribe that began identifying itself as such only about 120 years ago, became an ancient nation with history that is older than those of Egypt and Babylon.  The redefinition of one's nationality from sovereign state to tribal identity, something US propagandists  would not of course permit to happen to the US Empire  itself, was instrumental in breaking up Austrian empire in the aftermath of the First World War and creating a number of proto New World Order ethnic states on Russia's periphery. It was also the foundation under Alfred Rosenberg's plans for breaking up Russia into new "ethnic nations", which was adopted wholesale by  American heirs to the Third Reich cause (which was about Anti-Communism and Russophobia, anti-Semitism was incidental as Nazis associated Jews with Bolshevism and disorder).  Today's State Department policies toward Russia are based on these Alfred Rosenberg's blueprints.  English Wikipedia in reference to the former Russian Empire classifies people only by ethnicity per desires of local ethno-Nazis and approval of the American masters though most of those historic personages who are now classed  in  ethnic categories like Ukrainian or Estonian would have never thought of themselves in these terms.  In case of Viktor Kingissepp we face the same case of schizophrenia. The article does not say that Viktor Kingissepp is Estonian, an Esth but in it he becomes a Soviet Communist politician - all other Wikipedia articles would elaborate extensively on every minor personage's ethnic background but suddenly, in violation of all known American and Nazi  rules of how people and history of Russian Empire should be construed and misrepresented,  Viktor Kingissepp becomes a Soviet, a person with no ethnicity. Bizarre.  Naturally enough when you only lie - and that is what Nazi propaganda is all about and have to use ideology all the time to back your inventions (like the preposterous myth about occupation of so-called Baltic states) you are bound to make mistakes now and then.  

Thus English language Wikipedia classifies Viktor Kingissepp as a Soviet (with a link to the American propaganda article about Soviet Union). But Estonian ethnic nationalist thugs (the future Nazis) murdered Viktor Kingissepp in May of 1922 while the Soviet Union was formed months later, in December of 1922. Although Soviet nationality of course existed, Viktor Kingissepp could not have possibly been Soviet unless he traveled forward in time and obtained Soviet citizenship beforehand.

Like murdered Karen Drambian, Viktor Kingissepp was  an attorney.  He was  a Russian lawyer trained at the University of St. Petersburg.  He was also born a  Russian subject and he never recognized Estonian ethnic state.  Estonian ethno-nationalists, the progenitors of  local Nazis, killed him for his beliefs. Like Karen Drambian, Viktor Kingissepp did not take any hostages.    Unlike Karen Drambian who was just murdered in cold blood by Ansip and Laar's Nazis and the Estonian Gestapo (Kapo - which of course not just sounds almost identically to and  rhymes with Gestapo, but means same thing,  has same behavioral traits and shares common historical identity), Viktor Kingissepp was dragged in front of a kangaroo court that had no jurisdiction over him and then murdered in cold blood on the same day with his body removed under cover of darkness, like the body of murdered Karen Drambian, and thrown into the sea.   

Estonian ethnic nationalist court claim of having jurisdiction over Viktor Kingissepp was zoologically simple, since definition of nationality for those animals is tribal, that of a herd,  then Viktor Kingissepp could be tried and murdered because he was an Estonian, an Esth and a traitor to the tribal cause  as he did not believe that an Estonian state in that particular shape had any right to exist. The Nazism in reverse - not just Jews are to be killed because they are Jews but Estonians can be killed because they are Estonians who are not supportive of the tribal state's idea and hence are traitors due to accident of their birth as Estonians. 

I did not bring the story of Viktor Kingissepp here up just for nothing.

In the aftermath of the destruction of the Bronze Soldier in 2007 and the desecration of the wartime graves because they were Soviet and belonged to Russian subhumans (in very words of Estonian fascists I talked to), an event that went almost unnoticed in the outside world and which had no immediate consequences for Estonia as members of the top layer of the Russian Federation hierarchy under Putin and Medvedev regime derive financial benefits through Estonian ethnocracy,  there was one widely shared sentiment among many educated Russian speakers and not just among them. After Russian state is revived (and Russian Federation today is not a Russian state) and Russian sovereignty is restored over entire historical territory of the state as it existed before 1917,  naturally enough entities called Estonia and Latvia would have to be erased from the map.  The liquidation of Estonia as ethnostate has to be done in such a manner that the fascist statelet could never be resurrected from  the standpoint of politics or demographics and would be broken into different administrative parts where people of all ethnic backgrounds could speak their native language freely and enjoy identical rights. The finale must be final. One thing however was very important that those who were involved in persecution of other human beings because of their race, ethnicity or beliefs have to be punished.   I do hope that death penalty would be introduced in the territory and really bad Nazis hanged on a wholesale basis (something that wasn't alas done in 1945 as the territory was not denazified after the liberation). 

And here comes the epilogue to the   Viktor Kingissepp's murder story.   Estonian ethno nationalists murdered Viktor Kingissepp in 1922 and they thought they were running the show (as they were at the time) convinced that  big foreign powers are going to protect them forever. They felt they are the masters of life and the arbiters of life and death. That's how ethnic fascist who run today's Estonia feel now.  As Estonia became a fascist state in the late 1920s the murderers became even more comfortable and brazen.  But in 1940 the hellish fascist paradise was dissolved. Oops.  Yes, the wait was long, it  took 18 years but it was worth it. Soviet liberators led by Sergei Kingisepp, the son of slain hero Viktor, mercilessly hunted down Estonian ethno-fascists, those personally participated in the man's murder and murdered other dissidents.  The fake self-appointed judges, prosecutor, prison guards, executioners, all the riffraff, small or large, low and lower, every single creature responsible for the murder was traced, accounted for, hunted down and killed. A few lowlives changed their surnames and went into hiding or fled, but that did not help them,  at the end all of them were found, exposed, denounced  and killed like rabid animals. 

I believe that justice and humanity will triumph , and let's hope that not only the perpetrators of the Bronze Night are  brought to swift justice after the ethnic state is dealt with for good and democracy emerges victorious but the case of Karen Drambjan murder does not become somehow forgotten, and that every single individual who was involved in the murder of Karen Drambian will suffer the same fate as one that befell the murderers of Viktor Kingissepp.
Let's hope that in this case however the wait will be shorter than 18 years though.

1 comment:

  1. Estonia wretched country .. wretched government .. and it's not even being discussed ..... The people who sit in government real natsianolisty, murderers and thieves ... Estonian government can kill anyone they do not care whether you have or have citizenship you do not .. they do not care that you were born and raised in this country do you know the language or not, and the worst thing, as though it did not sound sad you do not have in this country a word, no protection. no law ... and the whole country is to see and know the truth, but no one can change nothing .. do. and everyone is afraid to say ... ... Here, in this case with Karen Drambyanom all know the truth, and justice is not all, but sooner or later the truth will all who were involved in the death of Karen will receive for his servants ....

    Daddy let the earth you rest in peace ... we remember you like you grieve we'll always be in the heart of ......
