Monday, August 1, 2011

Independence, Occupations and the Myth of Deportations.

I will try to address two issues here:
Independence,  Occupations and the Myth of Deportations.

I wrote that " Estonia was granted independence as a Soviet Republic due to the clause in the Soviet Union's constitution which permitted succession - from Russian and any logical point of vew, Estonia is a new state that appeared in 1991 and its independence was granted (not fought over, not "regained") under that explicit condition."

How did Estonia and Latvia become "independent".
This is obvious. They seceded not as ancient states being restored anew but as constituent republics of the USSR under a clause in the Soviet constitution that permitted secession of the Soviet republics (though because the constitution did not specify the circumstances the legality of secession is challengeable).

In fact it is the official position of the Russian Federation - what other can there be? which does not recognize the claim of continuity of any of the Baltic states.  The fact that Estonia or Latvia insist on the clause of continuity after they became "independent" ethnocracies invalidates the deal  of independence as it was obviously consummated in bad faith. Of course one can claim that opinion of John McCain thousands of miles away matters more than that of the Russian Federation parliament and the foreign ministry or than majority of 200 million of Estonia's Russian speakers next door and you can just do the trick by pretending that this is how it is going to be because America will defend us - in fact sacrifice itself for the ethno-Nazi cause - this is a shaky platform.   The fact remains that Neither Estonia nor Latvia are restored interwar state but  seceded Soviet republics. 

Because Eugene Holman wrote a brilliant defense of ethnofascist ethnocracies playing as  I assume the role of the devil's advocate, and in this case the devil is truly the devil, I am going to use his sentences to debunk ethno-Nazi myths.

So I'll quote
Most Estonians (as well as Latvians and Lithuanians) would disagree (with the idea that they seceded from the USSR as opposed to miraculously resurrected their prewar ethnocracies from the ether).

While after almost two decades of relentless ultanationalist and Nazi propaganda and indoctrination of historic myths of utmost absurdity, most Estonians (or say Esths) as well as Latvians and Lithuanians would "disagree" and claim that miraculously the three interwar ethnosatrapies were resurrected from the history's dumpster where they belong, the fact remains that Estonia and Latvia seceded as Soviet republics from the standpoint of the Russian Federation, and  as I hold equality and human rights as most important values I cannot see how opinion of 140 million can weigh so much less than opinion of  900 000?I understand that Estonians are racially better people (Rosenberg said that) but by the ratio of 140-145 to 1? Really?

Even with Estonians (Esths, i.e, Finno-Ugric peasants who were urbanized under Soviet Union and are now called Estonians), the distinction is not so clear cut - I know quite many Estonians who do not believe in the outlandish occupation theory - they too are indirectly deprived of voice - although admittedly they represent a minority of Estonians. This minority is not that small, perhaps constituting 25% of Estonian (Finno-Ugric speaking) voters in a very polarized society. In fact if the disenfranchised Russians could vote, then the political landscape would entirely be different.  Because they can't, both Estonia and Latvia are ruled by the vote of a minority in ethnically divided apartheid states. This means that neither Estonia nor Latvia, with all their ethno-Nazi polices, ministries, embassies, treaties are unlawful, illegal and illegitimate no matter what Joe Biden and John McCain says or whatever criteria of Copenhagen treaty was met according to the European Commission. By the way, perhaps would be of some interest to a linguist,  in Estonia and Latvia the Russians are called niggers, negroes, from Russian негр or negr from NeGRazhdanin (NeGR, НЕГР not citizen, not a full human being), their voice with "different" Estonians would have formed the majority of the country. 

Next comes the myth notion of liberal democracies being invaded and destroyed by the big bad Soviet Union. 

I will quote dear Gene Holman. "The three countries were the objects of political manipulations orchestrated from Moscow that resulted in their legally elected governments being ousted and replaced by Soviet-picket puppets who had Soviet handlers, all on June 17, 1940. Thus was a revision of the cynical and failed attempt to do the same thing to Finland in late 1939 (the Terijoki "government" under exiled Finnish communist Otto Ville (Вильгельмович) Kuusinen. " Love the Kuusinen character:)

At the time when the ethnocracies collapsed through the peaceful vote to join the family of Soviet nations who accepted newcomers with opened arms, none of those statelets governments was legitimate, liberal, democratic or in fact elected. All three were dictatorships. In fact three were fascist dictatorships. Konstantin Päts (pots?) of Estonia  was a dictator. I recently found the grave of Erast Giatsintov, the mayor of Reval, Tallinn in ethnofascist and Soviet parlance, from 1905 to 1908. Päts was his secretary. More on that later).  This is the fact that is not even disputed in anti-Russian American scholarship which routinely claims that aside from Great Britain (and Great Britain was never  itself a democracy to begin with) only France, Belgium and Netherlands could be qualified as states with elected representative governments in entire Europe (in entire Eastern Hemisphere perhaps!) Some charitable souls add Finland and Czechoslovakia to the elect club of the elected but that is an exaggeration - Finland was fascist and Czechoslovakia was an ethnocracy, a dictatorship of Bohemian Czechs.  But aside from ethno-Nazi propaganda never  in any serious  body of work did I see claims, unless made in jest, that Smetona's concentration camp, Ulmanis bankrupt ethnozoo or dark and morbid swamp called Estonia under dictator Konstantin Päts were elected. By whom? By God?

Secondly the Soviet Union never invaded any of the Baltic states as nobody, not even most rabid partisan of the ethnofascist cause, no matter how many beverages he consumed, can show any proof of any armed invasion which I assume should be countered by resistance of the ethnocracies armed forces, which did not take place.

Ethnonazis and their sympathizers massage their claim that the election was rigged and illegitimate because foreign troops were present.  First Soviet troops were not foreign but were Soviet, mainly Russian, who were returning to the territory which was historically theirs unlike say Afghanistan and  Iraq, the land that has no relation either to Estonian or the Latvian Nazis, or in fact to the USA. Estonia and Latvia's militaries like in WWII joined the bad guys' side and are now occupying another country. I have not yet heard a claim by an Estonian politician that (positively rigged) elections in Afghanistan or Iraq are invalid and illegitimate because of the presence of Estonian occupation forces there. An independent observer would not fail to notice a fundamental failure of logic and application of not just of double but of triple or quadruple standards.

Another claim of victimhood consists of a sentiment that the Soviet Union applied undue pressure on the gentle ethnofascist satrapies and caused them, oh God, anguish.  In fact it might have even used some coercion.  I should bring up the question of applying pressure or coercion in international relations as carried out by imperialist or Nazi states today or by the  aggressive bloc NATO - Serbia, Kosovo, Lybia are examples of using coercion to extract political settlements.Not Estonia.

Now there is a treaty all right, called the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties that explicitly makes military violence or threat of violence or coercion unacceptable and invalidates legal agreements obtained through force or threat thereof. I am not sure the management of the Fourth Reich behind Atlantic or its NATO vassals are familiar with the treaty their own representatives signed because basically it makes a great deal of agreements entered by the USA and other "coerced" parties totally null and void.  Not even worth the paper they are written on. There is one important point though, Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, dates from 1969 and has no retroactive effect or legal force. Because  Estonia and Latvia voluntarily and on their free will and accord joined the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1940 and the provisions of the treaty that appeared 30 years late has no effect on them, though it has on Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya)

Next ethnofascist myth to debunk - the horrors of deportations of the horror of horrors\

"The summer of 1940 saw the beginnings of the sovietization of the three societies, and rigged elections saw them "apply" to join the USSR in early September, "requests" that were granted. The period between September 1940 and June 22, 1941, when Nazi Germany attacked the USSR, saw the decapitiation of all three societies: industrialists, political leaders, and intellectuals were arrested or killed, tens of thousands of"

Although deportations or the fiction thereof is a subject for a separate entry, I would challenge anyone to name three Estonian industrialists of the Henry Ford scale - no,  no, no, name some minor fish but he must be an industrialist, not a manual coffee mill operator, who was arrested or killed (that's a difference there, eh?).

Well, I know one. He is Vasili Voinov ( Wassili  Semjonovič  Woinoff, Василий Семенович Воинов], 1877-1942, who was the wealthiest man in Estonia, was Russian, and left a mark in Reval (currently Tallinn) toponymics - it is the WW area. He also had the Grand Marina cinema and the area at what is now 5 Mere puiestee and what is now Russian cultural center.  I have no idea why did he not flee before the republic joined the Soviet Union and cleansed itself from the likes of him - alien, Slav, wealthy, not the good Finno-Ugrian Stalinist Estonians were at the time.  The fact is that he was deported and died in Siberia but he was a Russian who was deported by Estonians.

Stalin who created today's Estonia by drawing ethnic and linguistic lines was a Russophobe.  He did not kill Estonian Nazis but murdered Russian SS soldiers (like the Vlasov and Krasnov men who were executed). Stalin exhibited extreme leniency toward Estonian Nazis (that's again a subject for a separate entry). The largest group deported  in 1940 and murdered were Russians, former White Army officers and men, 6000 altogether.  These were Russians deported to Siberia by Estonians.

The truth - Russians did not deport any Estonian except for very top of the fascist military. You see Estonians speak a funny relict tongue nobody in the Soviet army was capable of speaking.  Estonians deported their fellow Estonians - the rich and unreliable.  If you would send me to Estonia in 1940 with orders to deport some anti-Soviet or profascist folks I wouldn't know where to begin. By the way deporting a few fascists (something Estonians did themselves) is not the same as exterminating entire population. Obviously the Soviet Union had the means to kill off every Estonian, man, woman and child in the matter of a week. But did nothing of the sort.  Alexander Werth,  London Times correspondent at Stalingrad (and besieged Leningrad) and author of the Russia at War (1964) writes about liberated Estonia - the year 1944, he says that the Soviet NKVD's Estonian operators (again Russians don't speak Estonian  and could no nothing) put up special boxes through which natives could denounce their neighbors as Nazi collaborators.  In many villages the denunciation was total - 100 of inhabitants got denounced. Soviet authorities proceeded carefully otherwise they would have had to deport entire population - something that perhaps wasn't such a bad idea but something that they did not pursue/

Final ethnofascist claim, rather persistent one, - that  they have the  right (what right, God-given right?) to decide who is human and who is not, who gets citizenship and who does not.

I'll quote this  beautifully written passage:
From the Soviet standpoint the events of 1940 and 1944 may have been a peaceful annexation, but from the standpoint of most Balts it was an illegal occupation, with the legal govenrments being forced into exile. All three nations regard the current countries as continuations of the pre-war republics, not as newly emerged political entities, such as Uzbekistan and Moldova. Constituting the majorities in all three countries, they have the right to determine the requirements for citizenship and legal residency.

I stressed before that I don't know of a single Baltic government, that was elected and legitimate, as opposed to postwar CIA-set up,  that moved to exile or to any ethno-Nazi embassies all over the world except for CIA-run legations in New York or London, hardly representing the entire humanity but only propaganda outposts on the territory of the Soviet Union and Russia's civilizational enemy. 

With above in mind, I should repeat the facts with which I began. Estonia and Latvia separated from the USSR as constituent Soviet Republics and were recognized as new entities by the Russian Federation, not as resurrected ghosts of the dead ethnocracies.  Were Russia to reconsider that, it would make the recognition of their independence null and void (in my personal opinion Russia should and must derecognize all three Baltic statelets anyway, a impose appropriate sanctions on them - for example a company that buys anything from Estonia or is active there should not be allowed to operate in Russia, and in long term seek their elimination), then that would become an issue not worth discussing. The ethno-Nazi statelets could pursue policies of discrimination, disenfranchisement and apartheid only because the Russian Federation as it has emerged (which is neither Russian nor a federation) is incapable of acting because interests of its largely Muscovite Thieving Class always trump interests of the country.  The current ethnic Baltic satrapies, particularly Estonia and Latvia, lack any legitimacy although for strategic reasons they were integrated into the EU and NATO structure and are heavily subsidized.

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