Thursday, December 22, 2011

Michael Parenti on Vaclav Havel

In his blog entry Must We Adore Vaclav Havel? (no we shouldn't),  Michael Parente publishes an excerpt from his book  Blackshirts and Reds (1997) pp. 97-99: I.

While provides a good essence of what Vaclav Havel did and did not do as well as some insight into Havelite ideology, there is one passage that is not entirely accurate. Let me quote this excerpt:

"In the Czech and Slovak republics, former aristocrats or their heirs were being given back all lands their families had held before 1918 under the Austro-Hungarian empire, dispossessing the previous occupants and sending many of them into destitution."

This is not exactly accurate however. The restitution was selective and was to an extent determined by ethnicity. Czech Republic is an ethnic state.  Like are Estonia or Latvia - though of course Czechs are indefinitely better people than either Estonians and Latvians and unlike the latter two Czechs and Moravians do posses their own history and culture. I even would testify Czechs have numerous good human qualities and for the most part fantastic people, while Estonians and Latvians are not (and that is a generalization because there are still good Esths, don't know much about individual Letts as from what I know their case might be hopeless, but I am sure even a few Letts have not yet lost last vestiges of their humanity).

An ethnic state is an entity that emerged between Russian and former Austrian and German empires in the aftermath of World War I as either a separate "state" or a "republic" within former USSR, mainly with help of the so-called allies, and justified by ideas of Woodrow Wilson (the 20th century most destructive man) and Vladimir Lenin (runs in the semi-finals. Obviously Wilson and Lenin were not members of the same gang of conspirators but ideas of ethnic determination rechristened as "national" determination for the goals of projecting power, be in American or Bolshevik, were similar). Outside of the USSR the ethnic state has been instrumental in  conducting US influence where none was historically present or acting as transplanted power base for American imperialism (which in terms of geopolitics assumed all of the roles of the German Nazism after the Second World War) . Collectively those states and statelets are always somebody's "Trojan Horse". They are a remote control sort of power dressed up in the costume of national or rather determinatio.  Their sole reason for existence is the ethnicity of their members and the tribal allegiance.  Because those states are nonviable (in the original sense of the word) on their own,  they rely upon  support of and hope for their defense (which may or may not be forthcoming) by a  third power or sometimes powers which   always remain outsiders, are physically located outside of their region. That definition applies to practically all post WWI and post WWII ethnostates with possibly an exception in the form of the former Yugoslavia and Finland. Frequently a mere possibility of losing overseas support from a the adopted daddy leads to those statelets collapsing in an instant and sometimes they fail in a spectacular manner.

Thus said the restitution policy in the Czech Republic was not supposed to cover Nazi collaborators. However Vaclav Havel, who comes from a family of Iron-Cross-wearing Goebbels-kissing Nazi collaborators, "excepted" his own dishonorable self and "restituted" a number of properties, some awarded by the Nazis which since became public property, to himself.  

But that was it. Besides that restitution only took place when the nationality or rather background was Slav, and ethnicity Czech or Slovak.  People of German descent or foreigners who did not cooperate with the Nazis and had nothing with to do with them (such as Princes of Liechtenstein) never got back  ancestral properties that was stolen from them by the nationalist Czech state.  Over two million people of wrong ethnicity, so called Germans, disenfranchised, stripped of citizenship, beaten up, and expelled (and quarter a million, mainly women and kids, murdered) under criminal misrule of Edvard Beneš (Edward Benesch) , who unlike Havel were not Nazis, and who did nothing wrong except speaking a wrong language, were not compensated in any form.

In fact the topic of official Czech crimes between 1945 and 1948 was never on the agenda as that short era was deemed "democratic" (it was just violent though it now seems both words are increasingly becoming synonymous) and neither was the restitution for the victims. Restitution nvolved mainly those who were either extremely favorable to the nationalist Czech state or the "own kind" selected with tribal criteria. In that respect the Czech restitution did not differ from the restitution policies in the former Soviet republics of Estonia and Latvia.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Vaclav Havel, an Obituary

Finally though belatedly, it could have happen so many years or even decades earlier, something so many good people in and outside of former Czechoslovakia  waited for so long and so impatiently, happened. The American prostitute, fascist whore and perhaps the most rabid Russophobe on the surface of this planet  (counting all those species outside of America, the UK,  the three so-called Baltic States and Poland),  the creature both poisonous and irrational in its multitude of hatreds, anti-Slav and the true anti-European, died. 

Vaclav Havel kicked the bucket. 

Vaclav Havel was not a playwright as propagandists claim him to be - few people  tried to read the subtly political, then openly propagandist, effluent he produced. Those who did as had the misfortune of attempting on a few occasions,  must have repulsed by the boredom and the manifest lack of any talent, even not by excessively high Czech writing standards (I could name two Czech language writers off hand, who are worthy of the title though both had lived in the 1920s).

Vaclav Havel is an example of a political writer, a pamphleteer of a camouflaged genre, one gets awards, praise and ultimately benefits for the political content of his opuses employed in service of the Evil Empire or the postwar American Reich in its fight against Communism or Russia and not for artistic merits of his work.

Solzhenitsyn was also an author who benefited from Evil Empire's propagandist quest - though unlike Havel, Solzhenitsyn was a decent human being and a good writer. Solzhenitsyn got all sorts of awards, was honored with massive number of translations, life time Bible-like number of copies in print, the Noble Prize for literature (well Obama or Obomber got the Noble Prize for Peace, so much for the nobility of the Noble Prize), obtained mandatory university reading status (the totalitarianism canard) and lastly veneration that was appropriate for a divinity. When Solzhenitsyn became more of a himself and took most of ideology out of his writing, he stopped being an author that anyone noticed in the Evil Empire (the USA) at least. It is worth to point out that Solzhenitsyn's seminal two volume work on Russo-Jewish relations, Two Centuries Together (also translated as Two Hundred Years  Together, though sounds a bit odd to my ear), was ignored in America and the UK and no publisher dared to print it and as of 2011 no English translation exists, though there is one in French (Deux siècles ensemble) and even in German (Zweihundert Jahre zusammen). 

Vaclav Havel never faced Solzhenitsyn's dilemma as he remained a prostitute, Russophobe, Atlantist, anti-Slav and a propagandist American whore to the end, even after (he luckily) stopped penning his pamphlets.

Vaclav Havel came from what used to be a well-to-do family under hideous interwar ethnic despotism of Bohemian Czechs otherwise remembered as Czechoslavkia. After Hitler eliminated Czechoslovakia (Slovakia seceded at the first opportunity, who wouldn't, with full consent of the former Entente Allies, the only party that protested in any meaningful way was Stalinist Soviet Union), and the statelet was split into protectorates of Bohemia (actual "Czechia") and Moravia,  Vaclav Havel's family cooperated with the Nazis until the end when of course they switched sides and overnight became Czech patriots.  Being a collaborator and a traitor seems to be a genetic property inherent to Havel's family. I am unaware of any instance of Vaclav Havel condemning the ethnic cleansing, massacres and expulsion of genocidal scale of Czechoslovakia's German speaking citizens perpetrated by the pro-American, so called democratic Czech state, between 1945 and 1948, a crime that was far greater that anything Soviet Union committed anywhere, a crime that in its hideousness and monstrosity is comparable only to the events that got collective appellation of Holocaust in the American usage , that semantic shift thing, in the 1960s . 

Stalin, the great benefactor of the ungrateful and the patron of the wrong (though an enemy of Russian nation),   felt an affection for little pesky tribes (as he originated from a particularly evil one),  had a passion for artificial tribal statelets and constructs, like Estonia, which he for some reason preserved (a tragic deed in the retrospective) but he also helped to recreate Czechoslovakia, once again as a centralized Prague-governed ethnic dictatorship despite wishes of some 70% of population that would have rather not lived under a centralized arrangement called Czechoslovakia. That proportion of population was reduced by about 25% as German speaking citizens, the so called Sudeten German or Sudetendeusche were murdered and expelled in an act of ethnic cleansing committed by the Czech State (not yet Slovak state, because Slovaks had no state but were dragged into this yet unholy union this time recreated with Stalin's assistance) on a scale unprecedented in the entire European history. Even mass disenfranchisement of Russian speakers by the ethno Nazi statelets of Estonia and Latvia  in the 1990s did reach a fraction of the scale of evil that marked Czech ethnic cleansing of Sudeten, Bohemian and Moravian Germans.  Although under NATO and EU protection the fascist statelets of Estonia and Latvia are engaged in ethnocide and language discrimination on a scale quite unprecedented anywhere, and people of wrong ethnicites are forced to leave through indirect pressure, so far only a few wrong humans (Slavs that is)  were actually murdered by Estonian and Latvian Nazis during last 20 years. On the other hand the ethnic cleansing in post 1945 Czechoslovakia was massive, murderous and was carried out fast.  

Although few realize that Czechoslovakia perished in 1939 and was never formally resurrected, despite markings on manufactured products like "Made in Czechoslovakia" ashtrays and hockey related news, and the new state was called Czech and Slovak Republic, its essence remained the same. The new state engaged in ethnic cleansing of Germans and wanton murder of Slovak dissidents and clerics but like all ethnic states went easy on its own ilk, namely it really did not do much against the ethnic Czechs who cooperated with the Nazis (and that's about the entire nation.  Even Reinhard Heydrich murderers had to be shipped from England). If that were not the case Vaclav Havel's parents would have been punished. Vaclav Havel came from an anti democratic, fascist family, credentials he kept true to throughout his life.  Miloš Havel made Nazi propaganda movies, dined with Goebbels and even got an iron cross. Though Vaclav Havel betrayed Germans of Bohemia and Moravia (but never really mentioning them or calling in for restitution of property from which they were robbed, the traitor is always a traitor, treason is a trait),  characteristically he continued same sort of service his familiar predecessors rendered to the Nazi propagandist except that he served interests of the United States as the latter took upon itself the Third Reich's role of the Crusader in Chief against Communist and Russia in any form, Communist or not.  

Vaclav Havel's Russophobia was unusual by Czech standards.

Ironically under Vaclav Havel presidency (though he formally resigned) Hitler's job of destroying Czechoslovakia was complete. This is perhaps his life's greatest and most ironic achievement.

Burn in hell, Vaclav.