I was looking up the name of some seemingly prolific Russophobe "analyst" named Giles Keir who writes predictable anti-Russian stuff on "Russian affairs". In the process of looking this vile creature up - I did not find anything useful or interesting and my attention span is short, I stumbled across a video collection put on a youtube by an Estonian ethno-Nazi . Like all modern Nazis he professes himself to be an anti-Communist. Not a big deal . All the Nazis of yesteryear were also anti-Communist. That's what Nazism is all about though it also like in today's Estonia and Latvia it has a strong racial twist, spiced with ideas of ethnic purity, seasoned with antisemtism and has a particular genocidal bent that other less rabid anti-Communist movements lack. The Estonian ethno-Nazi, self styled anti-Communism, put up over 85 venomously anti-Russian defamatory videos and got a large willing audience willing to watch the rot and leave repulsive comments. Apparently he is not alone, the place teems with Nazis of all colors and stripes, and the Baltic Nazi scum dominates its own corner of the hate market. Here is what I noticed - with support of Baltic Nazi backers (primarily in the USA and the UK) - there is a tendency, a movement of sorts that once put forth and now propagates an outrageous theory, which they present as truth, that Soviet and Nazi crimes were supposedly comparable or in fact the Soviets - or the Communists - were worse. That falls neatly in line with Hitler's dictum or rather propaganda technique of Große Lüge or Big Lie - that lies stick and that a monstrous, colossal lie would be believed more readily than prosaic truth. The lie is now being forcibly pushed through at all imaginable and unimaginable level and became the centerpiece of a wide array of propaganda creations. For obvious reasons the US official propaganda pushes the grotesque theory with almost religious zeal. The lie is easily disproved as it fails comparison tests. Although no Jews and almost no Russians or other subhuman Slavs survived the murderous reign of Estonian and Latvian Nazis under Hitler's protection, the extermination was complete, and Estonian and Latvian Nazis murdered perhaps as many as half a million people , civilians, and as men were drafted those civilians were mainly women, children and elderly in adjacent occupied Russian speaking territories, there is no track record of wholesale extermination of Estonians and Latvians by the Soviets on ethnic grounds. I am unaware of any single fact that hundreds of thousands of Estonians were murdered because they were Estonians. To understand the figure of how genocidal Latvian and Estonian Nazis were for comparison's sake it would suffice to say there are just over 900 000 Esths or Estonians in what is today Estonia and to accomplish the same rate of murder the Soviets, proportionately to the USSR population, should have killed at least 150 million people (150 000 000), a figure demographic data does not support. Furthermore all those Estonian and Latvian (and Lithuanian) ethno-Nazis who claim that horrors of the Soviet Union were greater than those of Nazi Germany survived the Soviet era in one piece. In fact some victims of Russian Bolshevism, like the leader of the local Estonian Neonazi party Isamaa Mart Laar or the head of the statelet's "foreign ministry" Paet managed to grow some fat in fact became obese in murderous concentration camp called Soviet Union Most estonazi youtube, online and offline propagandists got their education in the USSR. Instead of exterminating all Estonians and Latvians and destroying the land Nazi-style, Soviet Barbarians built schools, airports, port facilities, libraries, hospitals. They moved natives from squalid housing to fairly modern residential dwellings, with central heating, indoor plumbing and running water, conveniences of civilization almost no Estonian or Latvian had before Soviet slavery. I recall an episode narrated by my Estonian friend Sven, who retells a story told by his grandmother who lived under Nazi occupation and had German troops stationed in the house. Germans were polite enough though disdainful of local men. They told her that the men should put water pipe into the house so women won't have to carry water on themselves like beasts of burden. Well after Nazis left the Soviets, who were allegedly much worse, finally introduced running water, heated apartments and flush toilets to the freedom loving natives. As my friend told me - the fact known by everyone but suppressed in the Soviet Union lest ethnic solidarity would suffer, the mass murders in Estonia and Latvia and punitive extermination campaign against people of adjacent Leningrad, Pskov and Novgorod regions (all three lost practically their entire civilian population) were carried out by units of ethnic Estonian and Latvian killers. Germans were other things to do, they were busy fighting a war - says he.
Unfortunately Russian Federation, busily munching on McDonald's hamburgers and dreaming about big Germanjapanese sedans or American SUVs, preferably painted with the same color as the nation's soul, i.e. black, does nothing to contradict lest defeat the propagandist onslaught by Baltic ethno-Nazis and their sponsors, at least not in the same linguistic dimension.
As I looked at all these clips, commentaries and I am already aware of the colossal amounts of propagandist support ethno-Nazi statelets get from the US, UK and the collective EU, a following thought came up.
What we got in Estonia and Latvia, the situation is milder in Latvia and patently worse in Estonia, is an apartheid system that divides the societies in two halves. There is the so-called native group - the descendants of the peasants from the countryside and the Russian group (which is not necessarily ethnic Russian but is Russophone). Russians are second class citizens, in fact not citizens, disenfranchised and Russian language (though not English) is either outlawed or is subject to discrimination that is unprecedented by modern world standards. The notion that one group is superior to other (the notion is put in practice in the Baltic ethnostates) is based on the premise that it was there longer. It is the "title nationality" - a Soviet term as if there are real estate style titles issued by God's property register. There are no precedents like that in either international or commercial law. You don't necessarily have fewer rights if I bought a condo three years ago and you bought yours just a year ago. The justification for that is those people are not citizens because they did not ask Estonian or Latvian non-Soviet authorities to enter the country (never mind that all local minorities were already exterminated) - but the only Estonian and Latvian authorities at the time were Soviet, there was no occupation (grandiose efforts to promote that particularly toxic myth and a US cold war canard notwithstanding) and the people were moving within unified country which was not occupied like Belgium was by the Nazis but never existed before Bolsheviks with the territories being a part of the Russian state not for a few years, but for close to three centuries. What is most disturbing is that Russian Federation, again with its Thieving Class preoccupied with personal enrichment and consumption, does nothing to address the issue of non-occupation (or non-issue of fictional occupation) and to fight it head on.
And here comes the third thought, which is apparent to anyone who knows the situation in the Baltics well and is honest enough to speak about it.
The collective West, i.e. the semi-amorphous semi-entity led by the US as well as the new Holy Roman Empire (I won't repeat Voltaire's famous punch line) and the UK with its historic anti-Russian vendetta support Esths and Letts, Estonians and Latvians and their new fangled ethnic statelets. Support is diplomatic, propagandist and financial (three Baltic statelets are the largest per capita recipients of EU largess).
Paradoxically - and in contradiction to another myth of Putin's imperialism (grotesquely untrue though still propagated by most rabid Russophobes like Edward Lucas at the Economist), Estonian and Latvian ethnostates are supported by Moscow that channels Russia's commodity exports through their Russian- and Soviet-built ports, provides raw materials for re-export and pours money into their (mainly foreign-owned) banking system.
However no one supports the second group in those split societies - the Russians or the Russian speakers. Official Moscow may use occasionally them for domestic propaganda purposes but it would never do anything specific to alleviate their plight. As one mini oligarch (who has a summer estate in Estonia) told me in reference to the Russian junta and the Thieving class - the last thing they want is to quarrel.
In that respect the plight of Russian speakers is unprecedented, deprived of civil rights due to no fault of their own, subjected to daily harassment, linguistic and ethnic discrimination, they are totally ignored by both the West, the EU that absorbed Baltic satrapies, and the Russian Federation.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Ah, that's what is all was about
Estonian ethno-police arrested a local today who was sending out messages to members of the Isamaa (essentially a neo-Nazi party headed by Mart Laar) from either a computer that belongs to Toomas Hendrik Ilves himself, the "president" of the ethnocracy or by impersonating Ilves. By the way in the tongue of the Finno-Ugric tribesmen, who represent about 65% (in reality about 55% to 60%) of Estonia's population, Ilves means a lynx. However - for reasons of his portly complexion and fondness for tuxedos, the fellow is also popularly known as penguin (incidentally, in Czech penguin is tučňák or literally a fat guy) among his fellow tribesmen, so in translation it sounds like that the lynx is a penguin, which is symptomatic for the paradoxical, make-belief, invented schizophrenic atmosphere of post-Soviet Estonian ethnocracy.
So either the good man got hold of Ilves' computer or pretended he, the man, is the penguin, either or - I didn't figure which but the missive was filled with grotesque obscenities and curses - which sounds appropriate for a piece of correspondence addressed to Mart Laar and the lifeforms lower than him (though hardly anything can be lower than Mart Laar). As this happened - a local friend told me about the Estonian Nazis success of arresting the dangerous impersonator - I ran a few searches on the Internet to look up who this fellow Toomas Ilves is - who apparently likes to be seen more Estonian than are "real" Estonian, but he fails the test as seems to be more intelligent and even more bombastic than 99% of the tribesmen. To be more Estonian than Estonian is almost impossible task to perform because an Estonian - unlike a Russian, a Frenchman or an American - is purely tribal ethnic category that has no cultural attractiveness on its own - like Latvians they even manage to discriminate against each other never mind the outsiders. If Frenchmen (or Russians for that matter) are bound by common history, culture, language and the sense of being a nation, the same of common destiny and purpose, Estonians -for the lack of either history, culture in the modern sense (European Union's efforts at appointing fake "capitals of culture" notwithstanding) or any sense of being a nation as opposed to tribe, seek solace in their peasant roots , folkloric attributes and their fantastic tribal origins which make Bible look new by comparison. By definition the group, a number of relict tribes whom Russian government's efforts made "a nation" or "a people" by around 1880s, is both reclusive and not at all inclusive. And here I find out that Ilves' grandmother is a Russian speaker and his mother is Jewish. Which is perfectly fine with me though is somewhat puzzling - again because identity changes happen, but usually from equal to equal, or from inferior to superior, rarely from superior to inferior as seems to be the case with Ilves. So although I was perplexed with the discovery, it did provide some sort of perverted explanation of Ilves's irrational Russophobia, I kept looking - that took a few minutes or so.
Then I discovered a blog called Itching for Eestimaa - kept by a fellow, ostensibly an American (or someone spent an inordinate amount time in the US - judging by the style and the language intricacies), who apparently through the intimacy of a peasant cunt became a devout "esthophile" armed with a monumental blog dedicated to spreading outrageous propaganda myths - like of Estonia being a Nordic country (it is neither Nordic nor, I am afraid, a country) - spiced with the typically post-Soviet Estonian racist rot.
Like (that's about Ilves whom the author favors):"
"The guy does have a brain, despite his 'Russian jewish' heritage" - ah, that's what it is all about...
A fairly very typical attitude - now I recall Obama (oh bummer!) election. I was in Reval at the time . Reval - or Revel in Russian - is the proper name of the town that is now referred to as Tallinn in the ethno parlance or is Tallinna in Finnish or, let's take another one, Tálín in Czech though under Estonian ethno-Nazi pressure Czech officials do now occasionally write the name of the town as Tallinn in direct contradiction to and with open disregard for the norms of the Czech language, which unlike Estonian is an old literary language and which, unlike modern Estonian, knows no double consonants. The struggle for Talin and its lls and nns reminds me of the ongoing battle for Georgia (no, not the one that ended when General John Bell Hood evacuated besieged Atlanta). Funnily enough there is a place called Tálín in Southern Bohemia. So Obama won. I was listening to Madam Lauristin talking nonsense on the radio. Lauristin is an Estonian ethno-Nazi, Huntington-style fascist and an author of a number of Russophobic pamphlets, though her mother was a dedicated Soviet Estonian who regretted dissolution of the USSR and her father, Johannes, was a devout Communist, someone who was instrumental to the peaceful incorporation of the territory as "national republic" into the Soviet Union , and who was killed during heroic evacuation of the Baltic fleet from its base in Reval (already then Soviet Tallinn, the old name Reval was expunged from Soviet parlance) to Kronstadt in the late August, 1941 (his wife, Olga, the mother of the ethno-Nazi pamphleteer that I was listening to on the radio in the aftermath of Obama's election, allegedly put out a different and unproven myth-like version of his demise that the first Chairman of the Soviet - which just means the Council - of the People's Commissars (which just means Commissioners) of the Estonian SSR was shot by the NKVD people because of his refusal to comply with Stalin's order to blow up industrial facilities at the Dvigatel works right before the Nazi liberators entered the city). Anyway the woman was talking on the radio while I was doing something else - chopping onions, developing film? - and then I just froze after hearing this sort of passage: you see, societies become more tolerant and it takes time for them to become tolerant. America has just elected a nigger (neeger) as its president, perhaps in the future (50 years from now) there'll be a day when a Russian becomes the mayor of Tallinn. Now that was astonishing - never mind that "Russians" including those who converted to esthhood and simulate nativism represent something like 50 percent of the city's inhabitants but that Reval had had quite many Russian mayors. Here is one - just few days ago at the back entrance to the town's old central (Alexander Nevsky) cemetery I noticed a grave of Erast Giacintov (Giatsintov, Giatsintoff, literally Hyacinthov or "of hyacinth") who died in 1910. I recognized the name on the monument right away because of the White Officer's Notes (recollections of the Russian Civil War, a book written by his nephew?) but then after running a quick query through a Russian search engine I discovered that this tomb belongs to the Erast Giatsintov who was the administrator of Wesenberg district (old Russian Rakovor, Estonian Rakvere) from 1885 to 1905 and who was the Mayor of Reval (of Tallinn) from 1905 to 1908 . His secretary was no other than Konstantin Päts, the president in the first Estonian republic - which still a typical post WWI ethnocracy was in no way as fantastically rabid as is today's ethnofascist statelet). The grave site monument was apparently put up there by the first republic which also granted citizenship to the mayor's descendants, even who were not in Estonia. Obviously Madam Lauristin is correct - nothing like that is possible today. In fact, the past is either non existent or became a grotesque myth for the absolute majority of Estonian-speaking inhabitants, though of course not all of them, who emerged from the Soviet era more Soviet than they realize (Laars and Ansips are Soviet personages, not Rosenberg's disciples their fascist sympathies notwithstanding). For them history began in 1918, one's nationality is an ethnic concept, their current self-identity narrative is positively fake, in fact it is... Nordic. Apparently Estonia that lacks many nouveaux riches has plenty of nouveaux normands.
So either the good man got hold of Ilves' computer or pretended he, the man, is the penguin, either or - I didn't figure which but the missive was filled with grotesque obscenities and curses - which sounds appropriate for a piece of correspondence addressed to Mart Laar and the lifeforms lower than him (though hardly anything can be lower than Mart Laar). As this happened - a local friend told me about the Estonian Nazis success of arresting the dangerous impersonator - I ran a few searches on the Internet to look up who this fellow Toomas Ilves is - who apparently likes to be seen more Estonian than are "real" Estonian, but he fails the test as seems to be more intelligent and even more bombastic than 99% of the tribesmen. To be more Estonian than Estonian is almost impossible task to perform because an Estonian - unlike a Russian, a Frenchman or an American - is purely tribal ethnic category that has no cultural attractiveness on its own - like Latvians they even manage to discriminate against each other never mind the outsiders. If Frenchmen (or Russians for that matter) are bound by common history, culture, language and the sense of being a nation, the same of common destiny and purpose, Estonians -for the lack of either history, culture in the modern sense (European Union's efforts at appointing fake "capitals of culture" notwithstanding) or any sense of being a nation as opposed to tribe, seek solace in their peasant roots , folkloric attributes and their fantastic tribal origins which make Bible look new by comparison. By definition the group, a number of relict tribes whom Russian government's efforts made "a nation" or "a people" by around 1880s, is both reclusive and not at all inclusive. And here I find out that Ilves' grandmother is a Russian speaker and his mother is Jewish. Which is perfectly fine with me though is somewhat puzzling - again because identity changes happen, but usually from equal to equal, or from inferior to superior, rarely from superior to inferior as seems to be the case with Ilves. So although I was perplexed with the discovery, it did provide some sort of perverted explanation of Ilves's irrational Russophobia, I kept looking - that took a few minutes or so.
Then I discovered a blog called Itching for Eestimaa - kept by a fellow, ostensibly an American (or someone spent an inordinate amount time in the US - judging by the style and the language intricacies), who apparently through the intimacy of a peasant cunt became a devout "esthophile" armed with a monumental blog dedicated to spreading outrageous propaganda myths - like of Estonia being a Nordic country (it is neither Nordic nor, I am afraid, a country) - spiced with the typically post-Soviet Estonian racist rot.
Like (that's about Ilves whom the author favors):"
"The guy does have a brain, despite his 'Russian jewish' heritage" - ah, that's what it is all about...
A fairly very typical attitude - now I recall Obama (oh bummer!) election. I was in Reval at the time . Reval - or Revel in Russian - is the proper name of the town that is now referred to as Tallinn in the ethno parlance or is Tallinna in Finnish or, let's take another one, Tálín in Czech though under Estonian ethno-Nazi pressure Czech officials do now occasionally write the name of the town as Tallinn in direct contradiction to and with open disregard for the norms of the Czech language, which unlike Estonian is an old literary language and which, unlike modern Estonian, knows no double consonants. The struggle for Talin and its lls and nns reminds me of the ongoing battle for Georgia (no, not the one that ended when General John Bell Hood evacuated besieged Atlanta). Funnily enough there is a place called Tálín in Southern Bohemia. So Obama won. I was listening to Madam Lauristin talking nonsense on the radio. Lauristin is an Estonian ethno-Nazi, Huntington-style fascist and an author of a number of Russophobic pamphlets, though her mother was a dedicated Soviet Estonian who regretted dissolution of the USSR and her father, Johannes, was a devout Communist, someone who was instrumental to the peaceful incorporation of the territory as "national republic" into the Soviet Union , and who was killed during heroic evacuation of the Baltic fleet from its base in Reval (already then Soviet Tallinn, the old name Reval was expunged from Soviet parlance) to Kronstadt in the late August, 1941 (his wife, Olga, the mother of the ethno-Nazi pamphleteer that I was listening to on the radio in the aftermath of Obama's election, allegedly put out a different and unproven myth-like version of his demise that the first Chairman of the Soviet - which just means the Council - of the People's Commissars (which just means Commissioners) of the Estonian SSR was shot by the NKVD people because of his refusal to comply with Stalin's order to blow up industrial facilities at the Dvigatel works right before the Nazi liberators entered the city). Anyway the woman was talking on the radio while I was doing something else - chopping onions, developing film? - and then I just froze after hearing this sort of passage: you see, societies become more tolerant and it takes time for them to become tolerant. America has just elected a nigger (neeger) as its president, perhaps in the future (50 years from now) there'll be a day when a Russian becomes the mayor of Tallinn. Now that was astonishing - never mind that "Russians" including those who converted to esthhood and simulate nativism represent something like 50 percent of the city's inhabitants but that Reval had had quite many Russian mayors. Here is one - just few days ago at the back entrance to the town's old central (Alexander Nevsky) cemetery I noticed a grave of Erast Giacintov (Giatsintov, Giatsintoff, literally Hyacinthov or "of hyacinth") who died in 1910. I recognized the name on the monument right away because of the White Officer's Notes (recollections of the Russian Civil War, a book written by his nephew?) but then after running a quick query through a Russian search engine I discovered that this tomb belongs to the Erast Giatsintov who was the administrator of Wesenberg district (old Russian Rakovor, Estonian Rakvere) from 1885 to 1905 and who was the Mayor of Reval (of Tallinn) from 1905 to 1908 . His secretary was no other than Konstantin Päts, the president in the first Estonian republic - which still a typical post WWI ethnocracy was in no way as fantastically rabid as is today's ethnofascist statelet). The grave site monument was apparently put up there by the first republic which also granted citizenship to the mayor's descendants, even who were not in Estonia. Obviously Madam Lauristin is correct - nothing like that is possible today. In fact, the past is either non existent or became a grotesque myth for the absolute majority of Estonian-speaking inhabitants, though of course not all of them, who emerged from the Soviet era more Soviet than they realize (Laars and Ansips are Soviet personages, not Rosenberg's disciples their fascist sympathies notwithstanding). For them history began in 1918, one's nationality is an ethnic concept, their current self-identity narrative is positively fake, in fact it is... Nordic. Apparently Estonia that lacks many nouveaux riches has plenty of nouveaux normands.
The beginnings
- instead of writing in a single blog - which meant not writing at all - I decided to split my blogs into several thematic categories otherwise I'd be dealing with a mind-boggling mess with no end in sight - both in the terms of subjects and of languages. This particular blog is in English and its' subject matters are the post-Soviet Baltic ethnocracies - the statelets of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, although for personal reasons perhaps I'd be more concerned with the Estonia, which also happens to represent the gravest case in terms of resurgent neo-Nazism, suppressed interethnic strife and apartheid with the statelet of Latvia coming in close second place.
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